

Sponsor a child and transform lives of many

Sponsor A Child

A big percentage of children of minority community leave education half way due to lack of finance. Parents can not afford to send these children to school and prefer them to get into odd jobs to feed mouth of the big families. We can make a difference and we must make a difference. Give your little time and money and sponsor a child’s education for the entire year. Your yearly support will help children get back into the classes and accomplish their dreams

Spoken English and life skills

English language has become the “global language” for communication which also enhances your career growth. The importance of English is accelerated from primary school, however the children studying in government school /municipality school are unable to cope and speak in fluent  English.

The burning issue faced by most of these under privileged children is the confidence to converse in English.

मनRay Foundation has decided to address the issue and teach conversational English and life skills to these children to make them resilient and  Boost their confidence and face the competitive world. The volunteers at मनRay Foundation are teaching 1200 kids every week at different schools to overcome this issue.competitive world. The volunteers at Ray foundation are teaching 1200 kids every week at different schools to overcome this issue.

Happiness quotient

मनRay Foundation also aspires to initiate a programme that fulfills small wishes of these children .To add colour and happiness to the lives of lesser privilege children we intend to arrange fun activities like science and magic shows, plays.we will arrange to take them for movies and play areas.

Health and Hygiene

Along with education and fun activities we would also like to focus on medical and health quotient of these children by arranging medical camps, awareness of oneself.

Mental Health (SEL)

Mental Health (SEL)

The process we use to enhance learning and skills among children is called Social and Emotional Learning

This process helps children Understand and manage their emotions, set and achieve Positive goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain positive relationships, and most importantly make responsible decisions.

It helps reduce the achievement gap by providing all students with the necessary life skills.

SEL uses the following five compentencies:

  1. Self – awareness: Knowing your strengths and limitations
  2. Self – management: Effectively managing stress,Impulses and motivating our self to achieve goal
  3. Social- awareness: Understanding others perspectives and emphathizing with them no matter their background or culture
  4. Relationship skills: Learning to communicate ,listen and cooperate with others
  5. Responsible decision – making: Make constructive personal and social choices
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